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Bullfinch 3640 Firepower (Cartridge)

Bullfinch 3640 Firepower (Cartridge)

Item no longer available to purchase online

Quick Overview

Product Height 4cm
Product Width 9cm
Product Length 28cm
Product Weight 0.6kG

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Bullfinch 3640 Firepower (Cartridge)

Spark ignition torch with excellent burner fits directly onto the Bullfinch 1644 propane gas cylinder, or the Bullfinch 1694 cylinder of Hi-PRO gas, and other makes with a CGA600 connection - 1in x 20 UNEF.

Ergonomic lightweight design
Balanced handling
Robust engineering (all metal body)
Longer body for improved reach
Instant flame by Piezo ignition
Hi-PRO and MAP//Pro™ or propane cylinder compatible with a CGA600 connection - 1in x 20 UNEF
Replacement burner tip
Ignition button lock for continuous use
High performance burner

Weight of torch - 0.4 kg


heating installation and plumbing work
silver and soft soldering
telecom, gas and electrical installations
paint stripping
general maintenance work
general engineering work
jewellery work
agricultural needs

123g/h on propane
139g/h on Hi-PRO gas

Additional Information

Product Height 4cm
Product Width 9cm
Product Length 28cm
Product Weight 0.6kG



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